1450 Chews Landing Rd.
Gloucester Township
Laurel Springs, P.O., NJ 08021
Whenever you suffer a personal injury due to another person’s negligence, that person might be accountable for the harm that you suffered. The same is true if a defective product or service causes you to suffer an injury. According to IBISWorld, the personal injury market grew by 6.4% in 2022, which means lots of business for personal injury lawyers. If you are looking to retain one, here’s a better look at the benefits of doing so.
The greatest benefit that you can get from retaining a personal injury attorney is the ability to build a strongly supported case. Your attorney can help you obtain evidence and file insurance claims or a lawsuit when necessary to hold liable parties accountable for your injuries. Your attorney also can help you to seek damages for your injuries and any related damages, including loss of income, pain and suffering, and medical costs.
When you retain an attorney, all you need to do is provide the attorney’s contact information to any insurers or opposing attorneys who try to contact you. Once you inform insurers, opposing attorneys, and others that you have retained an attorney and given them their contact information, they can’t contact you directly. Instead, all communications must first go through your attorney, not you.
You might have a car insurance policy that should provide you with compensation for damages or injuries when necessary. Negligent motorists likewise should have auto insurance that should pay a settlement if their negligence caused or significantly contributed to causing an injury or accident. Liability insurance likewise would apply for premises liability, medical malpractice, and other common causes of personal injuries. Your personal injury attorney can ensure any settlement amounts are fair and paid in a timely manner.
Many people who suffer a personal injury might find themselves dealing with a financial shortfall if they can’t work. A lack of short-term income might result in falling behind on some of the medical bills and other costs related to the personal injury case. When that happens, personal injury lawyers can contact anyone attempting to collect related debts and put a stop to it until the case is resolved. The attorneys can ensure the debts are paid after collecting a settlement.
Are you in need of a personal injury lawyer? At Trabosh & Trabosh, we are proud to offer free consultations and no fees unless you get paid. Contact us today.
Millions of Dollars Recovered
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