1450 Chews Landing Rd.
Gloucester Township
Laurel Springs, P.O., NJ 08021
Personal injury cases require legal representation, but finding the right lawyer to handle your specific case is essential. According to IBISWorld, the market for personal injury lawyers was around $53 billion in 2022, meaning that several people are in the same situation as you and are looking for the right lawyer. During the initial consultation, make sure you ask them these key questions.
Every injury case is unique, but many have similarities and differences. For example, a case regarding an injury at work will be drastically different compared to a case involving a car accident. Explain the details of your claim, and then ask this question to ensure you're hiring an
injury lawyer with experience.
Many personal injury lawyers take their fees out of the money that you receive as compensation. Some tout that they don't get paid unless you do, meaning that you won't have to pay a fee unless you are paid for your injuries. However, other lawyers charge by the hour as the case goes on. Understanding how your lawyer expects to be paid before hiring them is essential.
Everyone has different preferences regarding communication. While one lawyer will prefer the efficiency of email, another wants to talk on the phone. Ensure that your preferred methods of communication align to make the process easier. Also, ask how much they charge per hour for phone calls.
An experienced injury lawyer can estimate how long your case will take. Ask them to explain the case process and how long each step will take. This can help you determine whether you will be waiting for a settlement for a few weeks or months.
Every claim has at least some potential, but this does vary based on the case. It also depends on how much evidence there is to support the claim. Lawyers will need police statements, if applicable, medical statements, such as those from the hospital, and more to prove your case in court. Tell a lawyer all of the evidence you have and ask them what your chances are of winning before hiring them.
We have an experienced team of lawyers ready to fight by your side to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Contact Trabosh & Trabosh when you're ready to schedule your initial consultation.
Millions of Dollars Recovered
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