Trabosh & Trabosh Frequently Asked Questions

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Have a personal injury-related question? We have the answer! Check out our FAQs below to learn more about our company and services.

  • What do I do after an accident?

    If you've been injured in an accident, the most important priority is getting medical attention. Assuming you aren't taken to the emergency room immediately, you should take photos or videos of the accident scene and get the contact information of any witnesses. 

    Make sure to avoid admitting fault or apologizing to anyone else who was involved, even if it seems like a polite thing to do. Anything you say in the aftermath of an accident can be used against you if you pursue a claim or lawsuit later. 

    If you suspect that someone else may have been at fault, then you should speak with personal injury lawyers to arrange a consultation and discuss your options. The first consultation is typically free.

  • How do I know if I have a case?

    You don't need to make this decision on your own. We'll be happy to arrange a free consultation between you and one of our personal injury lawyers to go over your situation in detail. The attorney will be able to tell you whom you can sue and what you can expect to recover, based on the facts of the accident and laws.


    Essentially, in most situations, you'll have a case if someone acted carelessly under the circumstances and caused your injuries. Applying this standard is more complicated than it sounds, however, which is why it's important to consult an attorney.

  • What do I do if an insurance adjuster calls me?

    You shouldn't speak with an insurance adjuster for someone else involved in the litigation. They may seem friendly and sympathetic, but they're almost certainly trying to coax statements from you that would reduce or eliminate the liability of their insured. 

    Tell the insurance adjuster to contact your attorney, if you have retained an attorney, or contact your insurance company, if you don't have an attorney. The same points apply if an attorney for someone else contacts you. Contact us today to receive legal assistance from one of our experienced personal injury lawyers.

  • How much is my personal injury case worth?

    This will depend on the specific nature of your injuries and cannot be ascertained until your case has been thoroughly investigated. Request an appointment on our website today to get started with one of our personal injury lawyers.

  • What if I was partly at fault for the accident?

    The state where you live determines the damages you can recover if you were partly at fault. Only a few states use a contributory negligence rule, which provides that a victim cannot recover any damages if they were at all at fault. 

    In some states, you'll be able to recover damages as long as you were less than 50%, or sometimes 51%, at fault. In other states, you'll be able to recover damages as long as you were not completely at fault. 

    The damages will be proportionate to the defendant’s degree of fault. If there are multiple defendants in a case, some states provide that each defendant will be liable for the defendants’ total share of fault if you cannot collect from all of the defendants. The rules in this area are technical and state-specific, so you should consult one of our personal injury lawyers for further guidance.

  • How long will it take to settle my claim?

    The short answer is typically two years. However, if your case goes to trial, then it can take longer. Very few personal injury cases go to trial. The overwhelming majority end in a settlement with the defendant or an insurance company. 

    Unfortunately, the time that it takes to reach a settlement is hard to predict and can vary dramatically. As a general rule, a claim that involves substantial injuries and a significant amount of money will take longer to settle because the insurer will fight harder over it. 

    If the case is complex or liability is unclear, a settlement may also take longer to reach. Hiring an attorney can sometimes motivate an insurer to make a fair offer earlier in the process since they know they're less likely to take advantage of you. With more than 45 years of combined legal experience, our personal injury lawyers can help you receive the claim you deserve. Contact us today to get started.

  • How long will it take to get my check?

    You shouldn't expect a long delay between getting your settlement and getting your check. Most insurers want to close out their case files efficiently, so they'll send out the check within a week or two of signing the settlement agreement. 

    The timing may depend on whether the insurer waits to send the check until they receive your signed release. If you have an attorney, they'll put together a settlement statement once you get the check. Our personal injury lawyers won't charge any fees unless you've been paid. Call us now to schedule a free consultation.

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